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A Simple Question That Can Increase Influence

A Simple Question That Can Increase Influence

One Question (photo by Evan Dennis) Ever been on a phone call, in a conversation or in a meeting and realized the conversation is unclear, not working or rambling? Humans often go into conversations thinking about what they want to SAY rather than first thinking about...

3 Hacks to Increase Influence Online

3 Hacks to Increase Influence Online

Photo by Ryan McGuire How we say things online can impact how much we influence commitment in others offline. Communication is tricky business. It’s hard enough to ask for what you want in person, but when you add in the complications from the varied ways we...

Public Classes

Occasionally we offer classes to the public. For more information, visit

Dilution Ad Nauseam: Stop being Wishy-Washy

Dilution Ad Nauseam: Stop being Wishy-Washy

Photo by Ryan McGuire There are some words that can dilute a message. Let’s call these wishy-washy words because they weaken vocal emphasis. These phrases and words are: • I think…• I feel…• I believe…• If…• I want you to…• We need to… For example, take these two...

Small Talk, Big Results

Small Talk, Big Results

Two hacks to improve communication at work or at homeJust waiting for a bus, or a perfect chance to practice better communication? (photo c/o gratisography) Small talk can have a big impact on a career, a relationship and/or a childhood. A better question can increase...

Presentation Feedback That Isn’t

Presentation Feedback That Isn’t

Photo by Marcos Luiz Photograph on Unsplash It happens a lot. I watch someone, often a woman, absolutely nail a presentation by doing something a bit different from the norm, something that really works for her. Immediately afterward, the speaker is besieged by people...

Interviews Should Look Out

Interviews Should Look Out

“I wish I would have known, during the interview, what it took me four weeks to figure out,” Harper exhaled, plopping into a chair in my office. After four weeks of investment in developing a new team member, it had become clear to Harper that they were not right for...

Throwaway Comments Aren’t, Really

Throwaway Comments Aren’t, Really

This is the third installment in a series on Irrational Habits, the very human stuff that messes with our desired outcomes. So far, we’ve covered eclipsing outcomes with feelings and crowdsourcing discontent. Let’s talk about another common habit: using broad,...

Do you crowdsource discontent?

Do you crowdsource discontent?

Meet the second irrational habit in a series about several. There is a low-value, highly draining habit that distracts from what matters most in organizations, even though it may feel helpful (or at worst neutral). It is so common as to seem unremarkable: talking...

Do you eclipse outcomes with feelings?

Do you eclipse outcomes with feelings?

Like and dislike don’t matter nearly as much as shared outcomes. Many human-centered organizations develop a habit that diminishes outcomes and contributes to burnout, even though the habit is born from a beautiful intention: treasuring individual perspectives and...

Do you eclipse experts with over-engagement?

Do you eclipse experts with over-engagement?

This is the fourth installment in a series on Irrational Habits, the very human stuff that messes with our desired outcomes. So far, we’ve covered eclipsing outcomes with feelings,  crowdsourcing discontent, and the fact that throwaway comments aren't, actually. Let’s...

The Word “Executive”​ Is Not Silent

The Word “Executive”​ Is Not Silent

An Executive Director/President (ED) is the heartbeat of a movement. She channels collective energy, organizes chaos, and manifests strategy, often with little more than duct tape and a bobby pin. She serves to serve and gives for the good of all, taking charge of...

Stop Telling Women They Lack Confidence

Stop Telling Women They Lack Confidence

During a panel about women and entrepreneurship, a male investor fawned a bit about how much he prefers women leaders. He said we work harder, smarter, and get more results. He then lamented that the only problem with women is our lack of confidence, that it holds us...

Tone Down the Attitude

Tone Down the Attitude

Tone is everything. Even without saying the actual words, people often call each other names with degrading or disrespectful tones. There is a wide palette of negative tones — sarcastic, passive-aggressive, cold and calculating, ridiculing — and so on. But they all...

Duplicity in Influence is a Bad Strategy

Duplicity in Influence is a Bad Strategy

Click Bait Cartoon via cartoonsbyJim Am I alone in being exhausted/annoyed by headlines these days? I want to stick a needle in my eye. CRUZ PUNCHES WIFE IN THE FACENo, he didn’t. I don’t like the guy, everyone knows this, yet the dude is awkward and went to hug his...

Don’t Sugarcoat Your Feedback

Don’t Sugarcoat Your Feedback

Be direct, don’t sugarcoat, and make it about what they want, not about you.photo c/o Ryan McGuireHumans can generally handle the truth — and truth- telling is full of nuances. When used inappropriately, truth is a powerful weapon; when wielded with awareness and...

The Importance of Not Always Being Earnest

The Importance of Not Always Being Earnest

12 types of conversations to avoid this holiday season “I don’t have to attend every argument I am invited to.” —author unknown I read that quote on Twitter the other day and my entire being cheered, “Hallelujah!” The election happened. The holidays are here. The end...

Christmas 1973

Christmas 1973

Robert Harbridge on the far right During the holidays I often think about my dad, who formed so much of my thinking as a human. He was a civil rights worker who believed in infiltration and joining the organizations he wanted to change. His methods of reducing “us and...